Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Long Fall by Penelope Wilcock

The Long Fall is the final book in the Hawk and the Dove trilogy. It is an awesome book! It teaches so much, if you let it.
So, what I learned from what it taught. :)
Let's see...a very beautiful quote from it is this: "That love has no defences, and you only know that it is love when it hurts."
The trilogy's setting is a monastery in the middle ages. It goes through the monastery's time period under Father Abbot Peregrine. The monks go through so much it seems, and it really makes you think.
Anyway, in the third book Father Peregrine is dying, and one of the monks closest to him, Brother Thomas, is having a hard times of it. The Long Fall is their journey through the pain.
One of the interesting points was what our view of glory is. We can never visualize perfect, beautiful glory and majesty because we are not perfect. However, Christ's real glory was on the cross. His suffering is his real majesty. His brokenness is beautiful, even though in a worldly sense it is dirty, bloody and horrible.
I don't know, just a thought. And my head is fuzzy.


~Just*Flinn~ said...


I'll have to check it out! Or perhaps I could borrow it from a friend?

Pen Wilcock said...

Hey - cool! Saved Monster, I'm so glad you liked my book!

:) Pen Wilcock