Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I was reading Psalm 8 today, and I got to thinking about something so shockingly obvious: God does not take up space. The concept of mass is an earthly thing. God created the universe; He could be much bigger than His creation. Or is God big or small at all?

This leads me to wonder more. Does heaven have mass? That could explain why people haven't found it so far, besides the universe being unfathomably huge. Will we have mass in heaven? I know we have bodies made new. Or will this concept not exist when we reach paradise? Will there be any measurement at all?
God is the Creator of all we know and don't know, after all.

I don't know. It is just strange to think about.

1 comment:

~Just*Flinn~ said...

That is a very interesting thought! Only "saved monster" would think of something like that, (if you know what I mean) ;0)
I'll be thinking on that. It tickles my brain!