Monday, January 7, 2008

Why saved monster?

If anyone actually reads this blog, they might be wondering why I am a "saved monster." Am I a really bad person? Kind of.

You see, I am a Christian. That means I believe I was and am a horrible person and need a Savior. Jesus Christ is my Savior, and is the only Savior, might I add. Everyone on this planet needs my Savior--my Shepherd.

Now, I grew up in a Christian home with great parents, but I know that without Christ I would be an awful individual. I continually fight hate, bitterness, sadness, meanness, pride, vanity, doubt, and probably more. I have lacked the want to live. I know that I might not be struggling with all of these things acutely right now, but I know I very well can and have. There is no knowing what I could have done without the sustaining hope of Jesus Christ, my Prince of Peace.

Anything good that comes out of me is not me. It is Christ in me. My life is forever dependent and intertwined with the God on High, ever since I confessed my sin and put my faith in the cross. When Christ rose from the dead and defeated death, He took my lifeless gargoyle spirit and saved it from a lonely, painful eternity. He saved this monster soul of mine.
I praise Him for it with tears! Amen.

"...That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9


~Just*Flinn~ said...

I too, am a "saved monster". With a lot of family issues right now, I can't imagine what life would be like without Christ. I would have one heck of a hard time!

saved monster said...

hang in there my fellow monster!

IdinaTook said...


That is a really cool thing to put on your blog! That could influence a lot of peeps in a very posative way. Sweetness!