Friday, January 25, 2008


Ha! Pride! What a block that continually makes me stumble! What a net hidden in the pathway of life!

I recently had a conversation with a friend about our first responses to The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson. Everyone was warning us about the amazing amount of brutality. When we saw it, we were affected, but not as much as others because we were expecting it to be much more brutal. I confess, somehow pride slithered it's way into my soul in that conversation. That was about a week ago.

Tonight, I came home from a Bible study where someone was talking about the sovereignty of God and all His great majesty. The Passion was playing on my television when I walked through the door. I watched it for about one minute. Then, I went to my room, and Christ flayed my soul open with the sounds of the movie. My pride had grown so huge! How could I feel larger than the fact that God came as a human and died one of the most horrible deaths for me? For a world that first turned it's face from His Holiness? And we chose lies of this earth!

I wept for my Savior.

Christ died for me. The God who made me and Saturn died for me. The God who never changes died for me. And He has conquered the death in my heart with His death and resurrection.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I was reading Psalm 8 today, and I got to thinking about something so shockingly obvious: God does not take up space. The concept of mass is an earthly thing. God created the universe; He could be much bigger than His creation. Or is God big or small at all?

This leads me to wonder more. Does heaven have mass? That could explain why people haven't found it so far, besides the universe being unfathomably huge. Will we have mass in heaven? I know we have bodies made new. Or will this concept not exist when we reach paradise? Will there be any measurement at all?
God is the Creator of all we know and don't know, after all.

I don't know. It is just strange to think about.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Long Fall by Penelope Wilcock

The Long Fall is the final book in the Hawk and the Dove trilogy. It is an awesome book! It teaches so much, if you let it.
So, what I learned from what it taught. :)
Let's see...a very beautiful quote from it is this: "That love has no defences, and you only know that it is love when it hurts."
The trilogy's setting is a monastery in the middle ages. It goes through the monastery's time period under Father Abbot Peregrine. The monks go through so much it seems, and it really makes you think.
Anyway, in the third book Father Peregrine is dying, and one of the monks closest to him, Brother Thomas, is having a hard times of it. The Long Fall is their journey through the pain.
One of the interesting points was what our view of glory is. We can never visualize perfect, beautiful glory and majesty because we are not perfect. However, Christ's real glory was on the cross. His suffering is his real majesty. His brokenness is beautiful, even though in a worldly sense it is dirty, bloody and horrible.
I don't know, just a thought. And my head is fuzzy.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Why saved monster?

If anyone actually reads this blog, they might be wondering why I am a "saved monster." Am I a really bad person? Kind of.

You see, I am a Christian. That means I believe I was and am a horrible person and need a Savior. Jesus Christ is my Savior, and is the only Savior, might I add. Everyone on this planet needs my Savior--my Shepherd.

Now, I grew up in a Christian home with great parents, but I know that without Christ I would be an awful individual. I continually fight hate, bitterness, sadness, meanness, pride, vanity, doubt, and probably more. I have lacked the want to live. I know that I might not be struggling with all of these things acutely right now, but I know I very well can and have. There is no knowing what I could have done without the sustaining hope of Jesus Christ, my Prince of Peace.

Anything good that comes out of me is not me. It is Christ in me. My life is forever dependent and intertwined with the God on High, ever since I confessed my sin and put my faith in the cross. When Christ rose from the dead and defeated death, He took my lifeless gargoyle spirit and saved it from a lonely, painful eternity. He saved this monster soul of mine.
I praise Him for it with tears! Amen.

"...That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years!

Well, it's 2008!

It is weird to think that 2007 can never be reached again. However, it is really exciting to see what 2008 is going to be like. So much happened last year, so a lot could happen this year. There is no knowing where this year will take and place me. Surely, it's an adventure!

Last night I went to a friend's house to celebrate New Years, and I had a blast! My friend made this awesome popcorn stuff with m&ms and almond twas good! :)

It is great to have Christian friends. I am truly blessed, and as I look back at last year, I remember all the fun times I had with them. Of course, we had our differences to work through, but I think it makes stronger friendships.

God has shown me so much this past year, and I pray He shows me even more of His glorious presence this coming year!

Hurrah for 2008!