Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well, I haven't thought of anything in particular to say, so I am just going to be random.

How about the Prince Caspian movie coming out? Excitement? You bet your dirty socks!!!!

I am so ready to see, and I am hoping it is way better than the last one. Honestly, I disliked the way they portrayed Susan in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wadrobe movie. But hey! Just my opinion! I can't wait to really see how all the Pevensies have grown in Prince Caspian!!!!

Life has been stressful. I have descions, descions, descions!!!!! I have a large turning point looming before me, and I will have to pick which path I want to follow. I am anxious about the consequences of whichever path I pick. Prayer from my fellow brethren would be most welcome! Prayer for peace in making up my mind!!!!

Whew! That was therepy.

Hey! I just remembered! I have a Narnia essay I wrote last year for somehthing or other. I am going to hunt it down, and see if it is postable! Wish me happy hunting!!!!!


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Actually, Susan reminded me! Minus some of the bossiness. She's brainy like you!

saved monster said...

oh! LOL!

I guess it works since she is pretty. ;)

IdinaTook said...

Same here: You did remind me of Susan!

sure thing about the prayer.