Saturday, February 23, 2008

His Will, My Will

I have big upcoming decisions in my life, and I am realizing something--AGAIN. It is this: how much the world throws at you to knock you off the path. It sends things to dazzle you, to stroke you, to depress you, and to confuse you. It's staggering to imagine what the spiritual world looks like with all this warring. Staying on the path of the great race is sometimes like trying to cling to rocks by the sea during a tempest. It makes me weary just writing the sentence!

Still, we have to stay strong! To not lose hope! To not be sucked in by our own pride! If we do give into the world, we are taken captive. The Bible warns us not to be taken captive. ( And for the life of me, I can't remember what the verse or even the book is!)

We--I don't want to be pulled out of His will by the world, and the world deceives so easily sometimes! To be a Christian, is to do His will. This starts out at listening to His call to accept Christ. The few that read this post, I pray you hold to this premise of a Bible verse as something to follow: His will, My will. I just sent a prayer up for my self as well. :)

Soap box! Soap box! Whose got the soap box? I do! :)


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Good motto!

My family has been going through trials lately, and reading the Bible and other books about noble characters who stand firm in their faith,

"Even were hordes of darkness were to assail them in hopeless demand of their life, even then they swear everlasting alligence to their King."

And you know, that helps me to realize that much of our stuggle in this world is caused by the struggle of another world: the spiritual world. A constant spiritual battle goes on all around us all the time...that's awesome cool to me. Just another reason why I know I am Never Alone.

IdinaTook said...

Awesome monster! Hey...may I promote this blog on mine or is it private????

saved monster said...

you can promote!!!!! please. :)

Ian said...

That is just what I have been thinking for the past couple of weeks!

(The blog post, that is, not the comments...)


saved monster said...

Really? Cool! :)