Friday, March 28, 2008

Chris Rice and Piano

Have you ever heard of Chris Rice? I hope so! I love his songs. The words to his lyrics are like a little kid trying to show you a tiny, magical glow of heaven cupped in his hands. They create such a yearning for my true home: heaven. It reminds me that this is just a temporary stay, kind of like a hotel: It has it's dirtiness, but dude! It's got a jacuzzi! :)

Some of my favorites are "Untitled Hymn," "The Final Move," "When Did You Fall," and "Smile." And who can resist liking "Cartoons!"

Speaking of music, I had a piano festival today. I had to play two memorized pieces in front of a judge at a localish university. I was nervous, even to the point of grouchiness...oops! It turned out wonderful however! I did great! What a relief! And thank the Lord! I mustn't forget Him in anything...

I must apologize to anyone who ever reads this blog...I haven't had the time or the Internet service to faithfully blog lately.

Anywho! May you walk in the way everlasting!